The Deck Restaurant Pizzeria | Phone: +39 0835.33.25.03 | Mobile: +39 339.46.56.918 | Email:


35 Deck years

9 October 2017 – The restaurant "The Deck” fulfilled today 35 years of activity. It was far away 1982 when Umberto Giasi, Eustace Persia and Iolanda Celani, already time to managers of "The Nugget", They decided to open the first restaurant in the Sassi of Matera, the same districts defined only a few years earlier "Shame of Italy”.

Even before the Stones were recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO (in 1993) or location of numerous international films the three founders turned a old cellar, once one of the many "Ciddari” city, in the current local.

The project first restaurant placed in the Sassi, also thanks to the large panoramic terrace, He was also inevitably turned to the few foreigners who in those days began visiting Matera. So "The Deck” He represented a bet, the result of a ambitious project to approach the world of tourism at a time when the Stones were mostly abandoned. This was a risky choice but today proud of its founders, since they were witnesses to the worldwide rediscovery process of Sassi.

9 October 1982 - 9 October 2017

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