As already several years happens, The Patio restaurant received Certificate of Excellence TripAdvisor® 2015. For those not familiar TripAdvisor is the largest travel portal where you can tell your own experience within hotels, dining or attractions.
This recognition has an important value because it is based on direct opinions of our guests. It also represents an authoritative statement of confidence and showing consistent commitment fielded to offer our guests always a impeccable service. This award, the portal to travel for five years gives the accommodation, It has parameters for the award complexes, in fact get the certificate only those who regularly get great reviews, that maintain a high position in the standings and they are reviewed on an ongoing basis by travelers.
The staff of the restaurant Il Terrazzino thanks anyone with the great reviews helped to achieve this important prize, aware that this should be an incentive to maintain high quality standards and guarantee a high level of service to meet as many people as possible.