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Dreamland 2018

Saturday 29 September 2019 from 22 starting from Piazza Vittorio Veneto in Matera is scheduled Dreamland, a dreamlike journey in the two Sassi, Matera Basilicata2019-sponsored by the Foundation under the artistic direction Paul Irene. An event, also in this case, It focuses on the involvement of citizens because everyone can feel the protagonist of the way to the 2019.

The music and the light They are divided into the streets of Sassi, to meet again at the big party in Piazza San Pietro Caveoso, where the Harmonic Banda Sassi play early music, the roots music.

The music and the light will share in the streets of the two Sassi meet again for the big party in Piazza San Pietro Caveoso, where direct bandarmonica by Claudio Mola and Gianni Grilli for brass, sound ancient music of Lucania.

Registration is now open to art workshops edited by Raffaele Pentasuglia, to be held 27, the 28 and 29 September from 15 at 17. The laboratories that implement large papier-mâché masks to be used for the parade, be open to all citizens. To subscribe, send mail to the following address: The workshops will be open to the first 50 Citizens who register.

It starts at 22 from Piazza Vittorio Veneto. The Bandarmonica will split into two bands, ritmica band Caveoso, Harmonic band of Barisano. Everyone can decide which side they, how he feels in the soul: Caveoso o Barisano?

So the Stones will be filled with music, and distance, the rhythm and the’harmonica will mix, for rifondersi completely in Piazza San Pietro Caveoso, after crossing, soaked music Sassi.

In San Pietro there will be 1º great concert of the harmonica band with other guest musicians and singers.

Accompanying the band there will be the characters of Luke mythology Raffaele Pentasuglia, the artists of "Lacaposciuc” Michele Lampiao Noviello percent and gloomy dark terra cotta made with Rino Locantore citizens who will play.
Everyone is invited to bring your musical instrument for aggregarvi gangs ".

playbill - Dreamland 2018

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