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Written feast of brown 2016

Festa della Bruna 2016

Poster of the brunette's party 2016

They start to turn on the lights for the party in honor of SS Maria della Bruna, patroness of the city of Matera, come to 627th edition. Many news and events related to the celebration of Holy patron to follow with participation to live the longest day of Matera.

The reopening of the cathedral, in March (Reopening Cathedral of Matera) It has helped to bring the party to its origins. Here are the news of the Brown party 2016:
• The papier-mache tank, this year made by the artist Michelangelo Pentasuglia, after well 13 years after the closure of the cathedral, will return to do the traditional three rounds in Cathedral Square.
• The procession of the shepherds, as well as last year, back in ancient Sassi with departure at 4.30.
• Thursday 30 June will hold a prayer vigil with catechesis S.It is. Mons. A. Caiazzo all’open in the square outside the church of St. Francis of Assisi by 21.00 all 24.00.
• The illuminations will be switched on Wednesday 29 June and arranged for a kilometer. In the central square, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, are provided two towers with different color compositions temporizzate e a rhythm of music, as well as the lights of Via del Corso.

To know the history of the festival in honor of Maria SS della Bruna follow the following page The Patron Saint.

Below it is presented the Brown of the festival program 2 July 2016.

Saturday 2 July
ore 4.30
Basilica Cathedral
Procession of pastors with the Framework of Maria SS. Bruna with the following path: Via San Francesco, Via Ridola, Vico New Homes (pause for prayer), Via E. Duni, Via Lucana (pause for prayer), Via Ridola, Via Casalnuovo to the junction of Via B. Buozzi, Via Buozzi, Piazza
San Pietro Caveoso (pause for prayer), Via Madonna of the Virtues (Door Gun), Via S. Antonio Abate, Via D’Addozio (St. Augustine Church – pause for prayer), Via Santo Stefano, Via Cererie (Immaculate Conception Church – pause for prayer), Piazza Marconi, Via Annunziatella (Madonnina – pause for prayer)- Via XX Settembre.

ore 9.00
Church St. Francis of Paola: celebration of Holy Mass

ore 10.30 – Check Basilica Cathedral Along the way surprise fireworks.

ore 8.15
Q8 petrol station – Via Nazionale
gathering 1° Knights troop departure to take the General.

ore 8.30
Via Caravelli
rally 2° Knights troop to withdraw the Deputy General

ore 8.30 – 13.00
Around the streets Concerto bandistico City of Ferrandina.

ore 9.00
Palazzo Lanfranchi
Dressing-General of the Knights Angelo Raffaele Tataranni.

ore 10.20
Piazza Vittorio Veneto
Procession of the Knights and the General Palazzo Lanfranchi in Piazza Vittorio Veneto, where General assumes command of the Ride the Ride.

ore 11.00
Basilica Cathedral
Solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided by S.It is. Mons. Antonio Giuseppe CAIAZZO, concelebrated by the cathedral chapter and the diocesan presbyterate.

ore 12.30
Transfer of the sacred image of Our Lady. Bruna, escorted by
Knights from the Basilica Cathedral to the Church of Maria SS. Annunziata (Rione Piccianello).

ore 17.00
Maria SS. Annunziata
Celebration of Holy Mass. After transfer of the sacred image of the triumphal chariot Piazzetta and placement on the Triumphal Chariot.

ore 18.00
Piazza Duomo
Accompaniment by the Knights from Piazza Duomo to the Church of Maria SS. Annunziata (Rione Piccianello) of S.It is. Mons. Antonio Giuseppe CAIAZZO.

ore 19.15
Solemn Procession of Mary. Brunette on the Triumphal Chariot, S.It is chaired by. Mons. Antonio Giuseppe CAIAZZO and owned by the Cathedral Chapter, Clergy from Citizen, the Executive Committee and by the Authorities, with the characteristic Cavalcade in costume.

ore 18.30 – 24.00
Piazza Vittorio Veneto
Orchestral Service Concert Band City of Ferrandina.

ore 22.00
Piazza Duomo
Ritual of the "Three laps of the triumphal chariot” and repose of the sacred image of Our Lady. Bruna in the Basilica Cathedral.

ore 22.30
Delivery of Triumphal Chariot to people for ritual "STRAZZO” in the square
Vittorio Veneto.

ore 00.30
Murgia Timone Entertainment piromusicale of Pyrotechnics S company. Chiara – Castorano (You).

For more information about the Festa della Bruna 2016

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