And’ Matera the Italian city designated to cover the ambitious title European Capital of Culture for the 2019. In the final it had most of the other five Italian finalist (Ravenna, Cagliari, Lecce, Perugia and Siena) all of high thickness qualitative and already established nationally. The victory was clear, seven votes thirteen, It makes a success proud whole community Matera Basilicata along with all citizens who supported the candidature commitment with the City of Rocks.
But what is a European Capital of Culture?
The slogan of the European Union is "United in Diversity”, It indicates a willingness to work together for pace and the prosperity and that the many and varied traditions, languages and cultures constitute the wealth the continent. The exploitation of these issues is through the appointment as "European Capital of Culture” which constitutes a milestone in bringing together the people of Europe.
Since 1985 it was decided to appoint a European Union cities to become Capital of Culture for one year, during which he can express the aspects that characterize it and your cultural progress.
The city chosen for this role is not evaluated for what he has done in the past or for the beauty that offers its territory, but especially for the program cultural events which it proposes to organize during the year of application. For this reason, the chosen community is invited to take advantage of its particularity and to give demonstration of a large creativity. The criteria to be met by a candidate for the program are basically two: the European dimension and the city and the citizens.