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European Capital of Culture

European union flag

And’ Matera the Italian city designated to cover the ambitious title European Capital of Culture for the 2019. In the final it had most of the other five Italian finalist (Ravenna, Cagliari, Lecce, Perugia and Siena) all of high thickness qualitative and already established nationally. The victory was clear, seven votes thirteen, It makes a success proud whole community Matera Basilicata along with all citizens who supported the candidature commitment with the City of Rocks.

But what is a European Capital of Culture?
The slogan of the European Union is "United in Diversity”, It indicates a willingness to work together for pace and the prosperity and that the many and varied traditions, languages ​​and cultures constitute the wealth the continent. The exploitation of these issues is through the appointment as "European Capital of Culture” which constitutes a milestone in bringing together the people of Europe.

Since 1985 it was decided to appoint a European Union cities to become Capital of Culture for one year, during which he can express the aspects that characterize it and your cultural progress.

The city chosen for this role is not evaluated for what he has done in the past or for the beauty that offers its territory, but especially for the program cultural events which it proposes to organize during the year of application. For this reason, the chosen community is invited to take advantage of its particularity and to give demonstration of a large creativity. The criteria to be met by a candidate for the program are basically two: the European dimension and the city and the citizens.

Matera 2019

logo Matera 2019

Of "National shame” European Capital of Culture, passing for the title of Heritage UNESCO. The process of transformation and retraining Matera has been extraordinary and has no equal in the World.

The goal 2019 He detonated by joy all that Matera, in piazza o via web, attended the proclamation. The title of European Capital of Culture in the town resonates as a due recognition for a land often Forgot but fascinating and captures the heart of everyone who visits.

Matera, as among other things the whole of southern Italian, It is the victim of a condition Economic and social always a step back than the rest of Italy. The challenge 2019 It represents a turning point significant for its history that was marked by moments of ups and downs. Model cultural-tourism, developed since the early years of the application, It may represent a example for all of South Italy and designate as Matera faro Southern Italy.

The path 2019

Flag in the square of the candidacy

The desire believing relentlessly in the final goal and that we live in a territory to be proud of Led materani to be too protagonists the application and adhere to all the events organized by the Committee.

To the web-team Matera 2019 It is applauded by using the network to ingenious exploiting all platforms social and Virtual Events, to make it available to citizens who could take part, share and give rise to their creativity. The work that has been done has been impeccable, gradually created a enthusiasm around Matera 2019, which has been gradually growing up at that’liberating scream on the day of the proclamation.

It must be clear that the proclamation of the 17 October 2014 it's not a point of arrival but the starting point to challenge that promises to be difficult and at the same time fascinating. The revival process has yet to be completed and to know that which, we, together, we can contribute and be protagonists makes us proud.

For more information about European Capital 2019:

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