every Friday in April
Movie Tours: guided tours in the biblical Matera.
All the April weekends and public holidays
Matera Historical Center, About the Bike Service.
Monday 3
Presentation of the book "A Square South” Giuseppe Fortuna.
Saturday 8
Mysterium Festival: Stabat Mater.
Sunday 9
Easter Walking: excursion to Cristo la Selva;
Presentation of the book The Devil Demetrius Paparoni;
Mysterium Festival: Big concert;
Stabat Mater in Jazz con Giuliana Scioscia & Pino Jodice Quintet.
Monday 10
Mysterium Festival: Radiodervish in concert – Orchestra of Ancient Greece.
Tuesday 11
Mysterium Festival: Metamorphosis: 2000 years after Ovid's death.
Wednesday 12
Mysterium Festival: Musica Nuda – Petra Magoni and Ferruccio Spinetti.
Thursday 13
Theathral show: "Ti spreads’ n fott ".
Friday 14th / Saturday 15th / Sunday 16
Ecce Signum – The passion of the signs.
Friday 14
Entertainment Theater "Trial of Jesus” with Sergio Rubini. Castle Park;
Mysterium Festival: Stabat Mater.
Saturday 15
Entertainment Theater "Trial of Jesus” with Sergio Rubini. Castle Park;