10 min
25 min
2 People
• 200 g. Zucchini
• 300 g. Fillet of Salmon
• 10 g. Almond
• 30 g. Parmigiano Reggiano DOP
• 20 g. Pistachio
• Extra virgin olive oil q.b
• Sale q.b
• Pepe q.b
The pesto zucchini is a very first tasty and easy to prepare. If you're handy with tools of your kitchen, the dressing can be prepared while the pasta will cook, of your choice.
The first operation relates to the fillet salmon. Clean the surface of depriving the skin and cut into cubes 2-3 cm.
Put everything in a bowl and season with olive oil, salt and pepper. Stir well and let macerate the salmon for about 10 min. .
subsequently, after having washed and grated in julienne zucchini, put them in a blender along with the almonds, to the parmesan, a pinch of sale and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil olive. Whisk together until frothy.
Meantime, or as mentioned earlier at the beginning of the preparation, put on the fire a pot for cooking pasta. When the water of the dough will come to a boil, pour the pasta of your choice and cook for the time set on the package.
At this point back to take care of the salmon, pour the cubes in an already hot pan and let them cook for about 5 min. con il coperchio chiuso. If you wish you could fade with lemon juice. Once cooked keep the warm salmon.
In the meantime, the dough will be ready. Once drained pour into the casserole along with pesto with zucchini and salmon. Jump the dough for a few seconds and finally the whole Serve.
The final touch is provided by chopped pistachios to ensure a final good-looking of the plate and a pleasant aftertaste.