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redemption materano – The vocation of "doing” of the middle class

redemption Materano – from "peasant capital” to "European Capital of Culture 2019".

Riccardo Riccardi, Matera for part of the ancient dynasty father, He is a writer, journalist and expert on economic and social history of the South in modern and contemporary age. He works with the historical and business magazines Puglia and Basilicata, also he is the author of many articles in the newspaper "La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno".

For many years dealing with the least studied aspects southern history. Already author of "The Pomarici – History of an old Southern family ", editions of 2003 and 2006 Levante Publisher, "The company Happy Garibaldi and the Risorgimento in Puglia", publications 2007 and 2010 Farewell to Publisher, "Lucano Album – Families, characters and images found” for Antezza Publisher, "A Southern bourgeois family – The Andria Porro ", for Rubbettino Publisher, "Spices and Pharmacies in Terra di Bari for Adda Editore".

She collaborates with the magazines historical and economic: Risorgimento and the South of Bari Committee of the Institute for the History of the Risorgimento; Basilicata – Region News of the Regional Council of Basilicata; and daily La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.

In "Redemption Materano” emerges economic and cultural growth which he brought the town to redeem himself from a rural evolving. Through the action of a agrarian bourgeoisie, commercial and laborious intellectual, that debunks the only denomination of Matera "peasant capital” and finally it opens the way for a city in constant renewal that well right has been designated "European Capital of Culture 2019".

The stories told not starting from the great facts and events, but by the way in which the individuals they lived, starting from our grandparents, parents, then by ourselves.

The research stems from the need to rearrange biographies and Matera dynasties, from the end of the eighteenth century onwards, Active in driving classes and institutions towards the social order transformation by "a desire of doing” It gave way to the city to grow in the wake of modernization.

The book also tells the story of the birth of our local, from the Cellar 1600 Ristorante in 1982.

publisher: Les Editions flâneurs
Necklace: Louvre
Year edition: 2018
In business since: 18 March 2018
Pages: 320 p., Paperback

For more information about the book Redemption Materano

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